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Danses 2024/2025 ou classement # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


DANSES 2024 / 2025
S 36 Fun To DrinkWith No Last Call

Straight Line

Get Up

Cours reporté
S 37 Just Let Go Easy A Bar Song
Far From It

Washed Up In Austin

God & Country

S 38 Stand By Me No Plan Sometimes Whiskeys On Ice Cours annulé
S 39 Too Drunk To Drive Celestial Right Girl Wrong Time

Dim the Lights

Going All The Way

S 40 The Road REVISIONS REVISIONS I Showed You The Door
S 41 Back To The Start A Wee Bit Lost Better Than That Southern Gospel
S 42 REVISIONS Indian Sound Lucky You REVISIONS
S 43
S 44
S 46 Something Real Border Collie Devil in a Dress Made For Dancing
S 47 Nangilima EZ Clear Isabel Hey Baby Heartbreak Disco
S 48

Baby Boots AB

Glass Of Wine

S 49 Rattlesnake Bite Lake Love Pop West and Wild
S 50 Mellow Moonlight Cb Buddy My Five Boys REVISIONS
S 52
S 01
S 02 Heave Away Tippin It Up Press Rewind Cours annulé


..............We Can't Wait ....................................One Mother........................................Elvis Tonight


S 03 Homecoming Take Me Home 1

Sweet Ireland

1 2 Snap

I Wanna Try Every Thing
S 04 One Mother REVISIONS REVISIONS Troubled Waters
S 05 Chasing Rainbow Derryline Fire Jump Take Me to the Beach
S 06 The Last Shanty Days To Feel Alive Road To Errogie Hey Mama


# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
1 2 3 Whiskey* 5678 Reasons
3 Tequila Floor * 85*
1000 years Or More * 98.6 *
2 Heel and Back * 98.6 couple
3 Day Road* 2 Stepping Away*
21 Forever * 18 Wheels AB *
30 Days * 1 2 Snap*
50 Ways * 101 *
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
A B ticket * All Shook Up *
AB Working 9 To 5*  
Ace In The Hole All Summer Long *
A Bar Song *  
A Country High* All That Jazz
Action * All To Myself*
Add 'Em Up * All You Need *
Addicted to love * Alvaro*
  Always Humble*
A Devil In Disguise * Amame *
A Devil In Me * American Kid's *
A Wee Bit Lost * A Million Voices*
Adrenaline Rush* Amor de Hielo *
A drink in my hand * An absolute dream *
Adventure 45 * And get it on *
After * Andalouse*
After Road*  
A Gigolo * Angels in blue Jeans*
Ain't Coming Home *  
Ain't Misbehaving* Angie *
Alabama Slammin' * Another Country*
Alamo * Another Night *
  Another One Bit The Dust *
  Another Show*
Alcazar * Anything Goes *
Alcohol on it * Apple Jack
Alice polka Applejacks Country *
A little Love * A Reel Craic*
All about a Women * Arizona Freeze *
  Around The Fire *
All day long * Askin'Questions *
  As You Want*
All Katchi, All Night Long * Atomik polka *
Alligator Shuffle * Away With Me
All The King's Horses*  

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Babies* Black Horse *
Baby Boots AB *  
Baby Cha *  
Baby Kate * Black Magic *
Baby Rocks * Black Velvet *
Backroad Nation *  
Back to Louisiana * Blaze Of Glory*
Back To The Bar* Blue Mercury *
Back To The Start *  
Bad bad leroy brown * Blusher *
Bad Fiddling *  
Bad For Me * Bobbie Sue *
Bad Habits* Bodrhan *
Badonkadonk * Boot Scootin Boogie
Bad Things * Body & Soul
Baïlando Amor * Border Collie *
Balada * Bound Ta Git Down*
Balada Boa * Bounty*
Ballymore Boys * Bomshel Stomp *
Bandido's Last Ride * Bounty*
  Born To Be Great *
  Born To Love You*
Bare essentials Born 2B Gaga *
Bar Stools Bosa Nova *
B Boy Baby * Boys and girls *
BCO Baby Come On * Brand New Girlfriend
Be a Better Man *  
Beautifull Day * Break In Mountain*
Be Strong * Break Me Up*
Beer Or Gasoline * Bread and Butter *
Beer for my Horses * Bread on the table *
Beer Season * Break away
Beethoven's Boogie Breaking Horses*
Beginner Boots Breakthrough *
Be My Baby Now *  
Best Friend * Bring down house *
Best wishes * Bring Down The House*
Better Than That *  
Better Times * Broken heart *
Better Together * Broken Heart Intermédiaire *
Better When I'm Dancin'* Broken Stones *
Beyond Beautiful Bruises *
  Bud Light Blue *
Big City Summertime * Buffalo Dancer's Yodelin'
Big Jimmy * Bullfrog on a Log *
Big Truck*  
Bill's Basic *  
Billy Dance * Burning Love *
Bit Of Irish * Bush Party*
BK Cowboy*  
Bittersweet Memory * (Casino 11) Buy Me a Drink *
Black Coffee * Buy me a rose *
Black Heart * Buzz Me *

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Cab driver * Clear Isabel *
Cabo San Lucas * Cliché *
Cadillac & Caviar * Clickety Clack *
Cajun Celtic ( Peyrehorade Mars 08 ) Closer *
Call to Dance * Club Fiesta *
Cannibal Stomp * Coal Miners daughter*
Can't let go * Coastin' * ( Lord of the Dance )
Can't Go Wrong* Cockadoodle *
Can't Pass The Bar* Cold*
  Cold Heart*
Can't You See * Colorado Girl *
Caribbean Pearl * Come Back My Love *
Casanova comboy * Come Dance With Me *
  Come My Way*
Castle On The Hill* Come On Down *
Caught in the act * Como Golondrinas *
Cb Buddy *  
CB Jazzbox ( Peyrehorade Mars 08 ) Contra Steppin' *
C.C.S Cool & Country *
Celebration * Cooley's Reel *
Celtic Angel * Copperhead Road
Celtic Autumn * Corn Don't Grow*
Celtic connection * Cotton Eyed Joe
  Country Song *
  Country Touch*
Celtic CT * Counting Stars *
Celtic Duo* Count Me In *
  Country Bump*
  Country Family *
  Country In The City*
Celtic Heartbeat * Country Race*
Celtic Kittens * Country as can be *
Celtic Na la* Country 2 Step
Celtic of Irlande * Country Girl Shake *
Celtic Reel * Country Hitch *
Celtic Rose * Country Lilly *
Celtic Slide ( Peyrehorade Mars 08 ) countrified Soul*
Celtic teardrops * Country road *
Celtic tribute * Country Walking *
Celts Fire Courtland Grapevine *
C'est la vie - "WCDF" * Cowboy Boogie *
Cha Cha Brûlé * Cowboy Charleston *
  Cowboys Don't Cry*
champagne Promise * Cowboy Dreams *
Charleston Step * Cow Boy Honeymoon *
Chase The Tide*  
Chasing Down A Good Time * Cowgirls*
Chasing Rainbow *  
Cheeky Charleston Cranky *
Cheesecake* Crash And Burn*
Cheeseburger Crazy
Cheri, Cheri , Lady* Crazy Devils *
Cherry Bomb *
Cherry Poppin' * Crazy Foot Mambo *
Chew Da Bacca* Crazy Foot Mambo WCDF * "WCDF"
  Crazy little thing *
  Crasy Song*
Cheyenne * Crazy What A Dance Can Do
Chica Boom Boom * Creep On In *
Chillaxin* Creepin *
Chill Factor * CrossThat Bridge*
Crystal Cha* Crystal Touch*
  Cucaracha *
Chuck & Cowboy* Cumbia Semana *
City Of Music * Cut Me Loose*
Clap Your Hands *
Cut a Rug *
Claire's Dance *  

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Dance Again * Dirty Tequila *
  Dixie Fix*
Dance Apocalyptic* Dixie Girl*
Dance Like You're The Only One * Dizzy cowpoke
Dance of Love * Doctor Doctor *
Dance To The Violin * Doctor's Orders *
Dancin' The Dust * Dog River Blues *
Dancing Kizomba* Doin' Me Wrong *
Dancin' Violins * Done*
Danger Twins* Donnegan's Reel *
Darlin' partenaire* (Casino Déc 10) Don't Be Cruel Ez*
Darlin' * Don't Let Her Be Gone*
Day Of The Dead* Don't Feel Like Dancing *
Day Of Victory*  
Days To Feel Alive *  
Daytona Sand*  
Damn* Don't Wake The Devil * (Casino 11)
Deanie celtic mix * (St Patrick 11) Don't You Wish *
  Doo Wop Be Doo Be De*
Dear Darlin' * Dopamine*
Dear Friend* Double Devil*
Deltoya Crazy Cowboy Down on Your Uppers*
Derryline Fire * Drive by *
Désirable* Drunken sailor * (St Patrick 11)
Despacito* Duck Soup *
Devil* Dust*
Devil in a Dress *  
Devil On The Loose * Dream Lover *
D.H.S.S. * Dreams ( Peyrehorade Mars 08 )
  Drink A Little Beer*
Diamonds & Dust * Drinkaby*
Dig Your Heels * Driven*
Dim the Lights * Drowning *
Ding Dang Darn It*  
Dirt Road Dancing *  

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
East To West * Electric Slide *
Easy Burning * (Casino 11) El paso 2
Easy Cha Cha * E.L.T *
  Elvis Tonight *
  Ending Up Together*
  Enjoy The Night*
  Especially For You*
Easy Come Easy Go * Eternal Secret *
  Everybody Oughta*
Easy country west * Every Cotton Pickin Morning *
Easy Dance* Everyone Needs A Hero *
Easy On Me*  
Eat Sleep & Love You* Evita
Eatin' Right & Drinkin' Bad Eyes On You *
Easy Twist * Eye Candy *

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Face The Music *  
Factor 8 * Fishing in the Dark *
  Flip it*
Fais Do Do * Flobie Slide *
Faithful Soul*  
Fallin' Fly high *
Far Away * Footloose *
Far From It *  
Farm Dance * Four Five Seconds *
Farm Yard Dance * Forever An April Fool
Feeling Kinda Lonely * For Neige *
Fields Of Athenry *  
Fiesta * Frenchies*
Fifty Two Beers Ago * Freaking cool
Fillin's My Cup*  
Feels Like Rock'n Roll * Frenchy *
Fireball * From Russia With Love *
Firecracker * Fujiyama Mama *
First Love ( Casino Déc 07 ) Fulll Tilt Boogie *
  Fun To DrinkWith *
Fisher's Hornpipe * Funkalicius *

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Galway Girls * ( Peyrehorade 09 ) Go Greased Lightning *
Gerry's Reel* God Bless Texas *
  God & Country *
Get Down The Fiddle* Go Mama Go *
  Going All The Way *
Getting Older* Going Going Gone *
Get In Or get Out * Goulaine DC*
Get It Right* Gone West *
Get On Down *  
Get Reel * Good Time *
Get Up * Good Time Jackson *
Get Your Shine On* Good To Be *
  Good To Be Us *
Ghosted* Go Seven *
Ghost Town *  
Ghost Train *  
Get Reel * Grace Kelly ( Casino Déc 07 )
Girl Crush* Graffiti*
Girls Like* Greater Than Me*
Girl Things * Green Grass *
Giddy On Up * Green Grass From Ireland *
Give My Love To Rose* Grundy Galop *
Give Me Your Tempo*  
Glass Of Wine *  
Go cat go* Guantanamera *
Go Country* Gucci*
Gold Watch* Guitar Boogie
Gone West*  
Good Girls Gone Bad *  

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Half A Cha *  
Half Past Tipsy*  
Hallelujah *  
Happy Happy Happy* hold*
Have You Ever Seen the Rain * Hold the Line*
Headphones * Hold Your Horses
Heartbreaker * Home By Bearna*
Heartbreak Disco * Homecoming *
Hearts and flowers * Homegrown*
Heart of an Angel Home To Louisiana *
Hearts On Fine * Honey I'M *
Heave away ( Peyrehorade Mars 08 ) Honky Tonk Boots *
Heave Away (RF)* Honky Tonk Floor*
Heavy Heart * Honky Tonk Stomp *
Heavy Hearts* Honky Tonk Way*
Hell Yeah ! Honky tonk twist *
Hello Heart * Hooked on Country *
Hello Hello* Hootfoot Polka * (Casino Déc 10)
  Hot Chilli Mama*
Help * Hot sexy mama *
Here for the party Hot Tamalés
Here we go *  
Hey Baby * Hotfootin'
Hey Brother * House Is Rocking *
Hey Girl * Human After All*
Hey o * Human - Dancer *
Hickory Lake Hurricane *
Higher * Hurry Up Slow down *
Hillbilly Hurts Like A Cha Cha*
  Hydromatic *
Hit the Road Jack * Hypnosis*

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
I Be U Be* Irish Spirit *
I Can't Dance Without You* Irish stew *
If You * Island in the Stream *
I Hope* Island Song *
I Got A Woman * I Say Linda Yesterday *
I Got This Too* I Said I Love You*
I Like It*  
I Love New Orleans Music ( Casino 11)* I Showed You The Door *
I'm On My Way* I Still Fall For You*
Imelda's Way *  
Indian Sound *  
In The Star * Italiano*
Into the Arena * It'all your fault *
In Walked You *  
I run to you * It's A Country Thing *
Irish Boots* I'Ve Seen It All*
Irish Folk * I Wanna Try Every Thing *
Irish Folk * I want, never gets ! *

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Jacob's Ladder * Jukebox
J'ai du boogie Jump *
Jailhouse Creole * Jumpin' Jamboree *
Jambalaya * Jumpin Up *
Jetty Road* Jump on a Ride *
JFF Jungle Freak *
  Just A Burning Man*
Jig It Up * Just a Girl *
Joana * Just Fall *
John Henry* Just A Phase *
Jo'N Jo Tango * Just A Kiss *
José Cuervo Just LeDoux It
Joyride * Just Let Go Easy *

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  Kiss Me*
Key To my Heart Kiss Me Like U *
Keywest *  
Kill the Spider * Knee Deep *
Kick a Little Dirt Around * Knockin' Boots*
Kick It Up *  
Kiss & Tell* Knock Knock*
Kiss me Honey Knock Off *

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
La Chapelloise Live, Laught, Love *
La Dong Keewun - Borriquito Livin' on Love
La Mer * Lonely Drum *
Lake Love *  
Last Night* Lonely Girl*
Last Night All Day*  
Lay Low* Looking Good *
Let It Swing* Looking for love *
Leave Her Johnny *  
Leaving Of Liverpool * Lollipop *
Leti * Lookout *
Let's Go There* Lord Of The Dance *
Liar Liar * Loreley *
Life Of The Party* Lost On You *
Light Up The Sky*  
Like a Hero * Louisana hot sauce
Like a Rose* Louisiana Swing *
lips so close* Love Ain't *
Lipz * Love Away *
Liquid Lunch * Love Bug *
Liquor Talking * Lover Please Come Back *
Lithtning Polka Love Trick *
Little boy * Love ya *
Little Red Wagon* Lucky You *
Little Wagon Wheel *  

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Macarena Mini Flute *
Made For Dancing * Mi Rowsu *
Madiba Mambo * Miss Honky Tonk
Madison Cowboy Last Night * Miss Our Day*
Make a Start * Mona Lisa *

Make it up *

Modern Romance*
Make Love * Monkey around
Make this day * Mountains To The Sea*


Montana Mambo
Mamma Maria * Mony Mony *
Mariana Mambo More*
Mars Attack Mood Swing*
  Moonlight Kiss *
Mas Macarena* Moonshine in the trunk*
Martha Divine* M.O.V.E*
Mary Mary * Moves*
Mellow Moonlight*  
Mercury Blues Move Your Body *
Mercy * MT Pockets *
  My Bestie *
Mejor Que Nada * My blue Heaven *
Messed Up In Memphis * (Casino Déc 10) My Dear Juliet *
Metal Mickey My everythings*
  My Favorite Sin *
  My Five Boys*
Mexicali * My Greek Number One *
Miami Vice *  
Midnight Waltz My Mamacita *

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Nashv'illac country* New Train *
Nancy Mulligan*  
Nancy Spain* No Last Call *
Nangilima EZ* No Me Mirés Màs*
Naughty But Nice Not fair *
  No Plan Sometimes *
Never Gonna Not Dance * Nothing But You*
Never Not* No Truck Song*
  No Superman *
New Friends * Novocaine Kiss*

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Obsession * On veut Des Légendes*
Obvious* Off The Beaten Track*
Oh Suzanna debutant* Ooh Poo Pah Doo * (Casino 11)
Okechobee Shuffle * Oops Baby*
Oklahoma Wind * Open heart cowboy *
Old Stuff Oregon*
  Our Own Party *
Old Time Rock'n Roll * Out Of My Mind *
  Outta My Mind*
On a Good Night * Outlaw *
One 2 Go* Ouzo And Black*
One Day * Overrated*
One Last Shot *  
One Mother *  
On The Sesh*  
On The Waves*  
On The Waves*  

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
P3 * Pirates Of The Caribbean ( Casino Déc 07 )
Paddy's Choir* Pizzirico *
Paper Heart * Playing With Fire *
Paris Tenessee* Playboys*
Party for two * Poker face *
  Pop *
  Portland Cha*
Party for two 2 Por Un Beso *
Patsy Fagan* Porushka Paranya *
Pavements Ends * Pot of Gold *
Peaches & Cream * Pound Sign *
  Press Rewind *
People are Crazy * Pretty Girl *
People Break * Pride in Me *
Perfect* Princess and Cowboy *
Perfect 10 Promise Me*
Peter Pan* Proud Mary Burnin' *
Petit Gianni *  
Pick Her Up*  
Picnic Polka Pure & Simple *
Pink Stilettos * Put You in a Song *

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Quarter To Six * Quickly *
Quarter After One *  

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Rabiosa * Rocket To The Sun*
Radio Song *  
Raffy * Rockin' Railroad* (St Patrick 11)
Raggle Taggle Gyspsy O * Rockin'with The Rythm*
Rocket To The Sun Rockland*
Rainmaker * Rock'n celtic *
Rama Lama Ding Dong  
Raised Like That* Rock'n Roll Is King *
Rattlesnake Bite *  
Razor sharp * Rock 'Roll Cowboy Contra *
Recreation Land*  
Ready for It *  
Red * Rock Paper Scissors *

Red hot salsa *

Roll Back
Red Is The Rose*  
Reflection * Rolling In The Deep *
Reggae mixer *  
Remember These Words*  
Reverse Waltz * Roll With It * (Casino Déc 10)
Rhyme or Reason * Roomba *
Ribbon of highway Rosa *
Ride The Roller Coaster * Rose Garden *
Ridin' Rubitin
Right Girl Wrong Time *  
Ring Ding*  
Rio * Rum'N' Cocaah Cola *
Rita's Waltz Runaround Sue *
River County Stomp * Running Out Of Time*
Road House Rock *  
Road To Errogie*  
Road To Errogie EZ * Running bear

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Safe Haven* Snapshot*
Sag Drag and Fall * Skinny Dippin' *
Saloon scissor stomp * Sofia*
Same Boat *  
Same Old Something * So Just Dance Dance*
Same Song *  
Sandy's Song * Somebody You Love*
  Something Fine *
Sangria Sun * Something Real *
  Some King of Wonderful*
Santa Fe Cha Cha * Some Night *
  Someyhing You Love *
Safe In This Arms* Somewhere In My Car *
Save Me Tonight * Sound of Silence*
Save The Day* Soul shine pizza *
Say Geronimo * South of santa fe *
Scooby Doo * South Side Shuffle
Second Hand Heart* Southern Delight *
  Southern Gospel *
See Ya Cecilia* Speak To The Sky *
Self Control Splish splash *
Séminole Wind * Spotlight *
  Stand By Me*
Sexy Night * Stand by you*
  Start Change Stop *
  Station 4*
Sexy stir Fry  *  
Shania's Moments Stealing the best *
She Don't Know*  
Side kick (couple) * Steppin' *
Sinner* Stich It Up
  Still Gonna Be*
Shades Of Passion * Stomp and Kick *
  Stomping Country *
  Stomping it out *
Shake it off * Stop Crying *
Shakin Mix * Stop Staring At My Eyes *
Shape Of You*  
Shivers* Storm & Stone*
Shoop * Story*
Shoot Me Stupid * Strait Down*
  Straight Line*
  Strait To The Bar*
Shore Thing* Street Walkin' - Coco Jumbo
Shot Of Glory * Stitches*
Show me the way to Amarillo * Strong Bounds*
Shut Up And Dance* Suds in the bucket *
Shut Er Down*  
Side By Side * Sugar and paï *
Silver Lining * Suga Suga*
Silver Moon * Sultry *
Simple As Can Be* Summer Fly *
Simply cha cha Summer Summer*
Simply Mambo ( Casino Déc 07 ) Superheroes *
Sister Kate * Surfin'USA *
Skiffle Time * Surly Boogie
Skip The Line* Sway
Slap city * Sway me now *
  Sweat And Dust*
Slapin leather Sweet Delight *
  Sweet Ireland*
Sleeping Child * Sweet Little Dangerous *
Slip * Sweet Maureen*
Slowly Gently Softly* Sweet Thing *
Smooth Operator Swing time boogie
Snake Swingin Thing *

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Tag On * The Flute *
  The Irish Way *
  Thelma Et Louise*
  The Last Shanty *
  The Last Hurrah *
  The Little Farmer *
  The Lovers*
  Them Boots*
  The Morning After*
Thai Of My Life* The Piper *
Tailgate * The outback *
Take a breather The Remix *
  The Road Less Travelled  *
Take Me Home 1*  
Take your Time* These Days *
Take Me Home* These Old Boots *
  The One*
Take your Time* The Road *
Talking To Melina* The Shoebox *
Tall T * The South*
  The Sphinx*
Tango Cha * The Story of my life *
Tango with Me Darling* This Thing*
Tanzila * The trail
Tap Room Boogie * The Tree*
Tek Tek * The Violin*
Telepathy * The twist *
  The Way You Dance*
Temple Bar * The Wanderer *
  The Wish *
Tell Me Ma ( Peyrehorade Mars 08 ) The world *
Tell the world* Thinking About You *
Terri This Little light
Texas Hold 'Em* Those Russians*
Texas Hero * Those Where The Night *
Texas Time AB*  
Text my Texas * Thunder and Lightning *
Texas Time AB* Til You Can't*
That Ain't Gonna Fly * (Casino Déc 10) Timber *
That Ceiling Feeling* Time In A Box*
  Time To Be Alive*
That Kind of Girl * Time To Swing *
That Will Be The Day * Tini Bubbles *
The Banks Of The Roses* Tippin It Up *
The Drifter* Titty's Beer *
The Blarney Roses * TN Rock
The Boat to Liverpool * To Be In Love*
The Bomp * Too Drunk To Drive *
The Boy Friend of the Year * Todos*
The Boys of Belfast * Toes *
The Break * Tonight*
The Capitain* Tourist*
  Trailerhood *
  Trashy woman
The Difference*  
The Eurodance* Three Teachers *
The Final Test * Trickle Trickle
The Gambler * Trust me *
The Guest Ranch* Turning Tables*
The Harvester* Tush Push *
The Hole Dance * Twist & Shake *
The Island* Twist & Turns*
The King And I Two boys *

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  Up *
Under the Sun * UP Bruno Morel*
Untamed* Upside Down*
Until the Dawn * Uptown Funk *
Until The End * Use Me*

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Vanoteck Cha* Versace*
Vem Dançar Kuduro * Vertigo *
Venga Bus Shuffle Viva La Vida *

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  When You Smile *
Waggle Dance Where I Belong *
  Where I Stood *
Wagon Wheel Rock * Where We've Been *
  Wine Beer Whiskey*
Wake Me Up * Whiskey Bridges *
Wakira * Whiskeys Gone *
  Whiskeys On Ice *
Walk Alone * White Whisky *
  Whiskey On The Shelf*
Walk In The Night* Wiskey Tango*
  Will To Try *
Walking shoes * Will You Love Me *
Walking shoes tonight ( Casino Déc 07 ) Winning Streak*
Walk Of Life * Whistle While You Work It *
Wannabes* Whiskey, Whiskey*
Wanna Be Me * White Rose *
Warriors * (St Patrick 11) Whole Again *
Washed Up In Austin * Whoopsie Daisy *
Wasted Tears* Why don't Ya *
Wave On Wave * Winning Streak*
Wayfaring stranger * Wintergreen*
Way To Go * Wild Stallion *
We're Good To Go*  
We Beleive * Wishfull thinking *
We Can't Wait *  
Wheels Of Love* Wiskey in A jar *
Weekend Girl * Witch Doctor
We Go Down The Highway * Witchy Woman
We Go Home * With These Eyes
We're GoodTo Go*  
We Only Live Once * Woman Amen*
We're Alive * Won't Back Away *
West and Wild * Won't You Dance With Me *
Western Barn Dance* Wonder*
Without Me* Wonder (J.R)*
  Wonderland waltz *
What do you see * Woods on Fire
What Happens On The Dance Floor * Wow Tokyo *
What Makes You Country * Wreckage*
What's Not To Love Write this down *
  Wrong Direction *
When Love Comes Around AB *  
When You're Drunk * Wrong Night *

#A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
x-plosive * XXL *


# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Year Of The Young*  
Yee Haw* You Time *
Yes * Young Love *
Yes M'am,No M'am* Youg Forever*
Yippie I-A * Your place or mine*
You Belong* You're My Anthem*
  You're Some Girl 2*
Young And Stupid* You'Re Some Girl *

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Zatchu * Zjozzys Funk ( Casino Déc 07 ) *